Waveform Baseline Correction
SDB Device ID 0xc32e925e
Register Map
address space 0x000 - 0x1FF
00h - Identification c32e925e, 32 bits, RO static
02h - Control, R/W
- [0] - reset
03h - Lock, R/W
- [0] - 1: lock, 0: continuous update
04h - Number of channels, RO static
05h - Common baseline offset, 16 bits signed, R/W (since ver 1.1)
08h - Input raw data array address, RO static
09h - Static Offset Compensation array address, RO static
0Ah - BLC Settings array address, RO static
0Bh - BLC Low Threshold array address, RO static
0Ch - BLC Hight Threshold array address, RO static
Arrays of Channel Registers
Input raw data, 16 bits signed, RO
Static Offset Compensation, 16 bits signed, R/W
BLC Settings, R/W
- [4..0] - MAF width (0: 1 sample, 0x1F: 32 samples)
- [10:8] - MAF roundoff, number of bits to truncate, 0..7
- [13:12] - output select (0: bypass, 1: BLC output, 2: debug, 3: MAF output)
- [14] - Signal Polarity (0: positive, 1: negative)
- [15] - BLC enable (0: bypass, 1: enable)
BLC Low Threshold, 16 bits signed, R/W
BLC High Threshold, 16 bits signed, R/W