MSC Cycle counters CSR
SDB Device ID 0x77268a46
Hardware MSC16VE
00h - Control, R/W
- [0] - softclear
- [1] - counters lock
01h - Number of channels, RO
04h - Current state of cycles, 64-bits, RO
Start from address 0x10 groups of cycle counters are placed. One group - one histogram channel. Each group size is 16 addresses. All registers are read only
Regs 10h~1Fh - Histogram #0 registers group
10h - counts during active gate, 32-bits, RO
12h - counts for full cycle (active + inactive gate), 32-bits, RO
14h - last gate start time, TAI 64-bit Timestamp, 64-bits, RO
18h - last gate end time, TAI 64-bit Timestamp, 64-bits, RO
1Ch - gate number, 32-bits, RO
- 1Eh - reserved
- 1Fh - reserved
Regs 20h~2Fh - Histogram #1 registers group
Regs 100h~10Fh - Histogram #15 registers group