1. Description
2. Supported Hardware
3. ADCM Software
We have developed the software for complex signal analysis. One of the key features is precision sub-sample timing of signals (digital constant-fraction discriminator). The achieved time resolution is 18ps RMS for 0.8V input signal. Other features:
- Baseline evaluation and restore
- Signal energy (integral) evaluation
- Pile-up detection
- Clipping detect
The signal parameters are presented in live histograms and stored in data file. Histograms are shown for main measured parameters: amplitude (integral), time difference.
The software package has two parts: the lowlevel kernel driver and GUI control panel. We have a bootable LiveCD and LiveUSB flashdrive for no-harddisk installations.
Requirements: Intel Pentium-4 2.0GHz, 512MB RAM, CD/DVD drive (for LiveCD) or USB port (for LiveUSB), PCI slot.
4. Screenshots
Main: Oscilloscope mode, trheshold control, trigger setup
Statistics: Baseline, noise, hit counters
Histograms in main window
Signal reconstruction setup: FIR filters, integration range, pile-up detector
5. Applications
- DVIN - API (Applied Particle Imaging), explosives and drugs detector