TLU16SFP Decoder and Deserializer reggisters
SDB Device ID 0x11f058c2
Register Map
00h - Identification 11f058c2, 32 bits, RO static
02h - Control, R/W
- [0] - reset
03h - Lock, R/W
- [0] - 1: lock, 0: continuous update
04h - Number of channels, RO static
08h - Settings array address, RO static
09h - Statuses array address, RO static
0Ah - Bitslip tap values array address, RO static
0Bh - IDelay tap values array address, RO static
0Ch - RX code error counters array address, RO static
Arrays of Channel Registers
Settings, R/W
- [0] - channel enable
- [15:1] - reserved
Status, RO
- [0] - deserializer locked
- [1] - link sync ok (no rx code errors)
- [2] - frame sync ok
- [15:3] - reserved
Bitslip tap value, RO
IDelay tap value, RO
RX code error counters, 32 bits, RO