VME Data AcQuisition system
- Run Control, Data Storage Manager
- Online Data Display
- Online Histograms with Analysis
- Instant Status Monitoring and Testing
- Automatic Detection and Configuration of Modules
- Chained Transfers (CBLT)
- Optical connection to PCI-Express host interface
- VME, VME64, VME64x
- Open System, Linux supported
Automatically Configured Modules
FVME - VME readout controller
TTCM - trigger, timing, clock source
TQDC-16 - 16-channel time and charge digitizer
TDC-96 - 96-channel 100ps TDC
TDC64V - 64-channel 100ps
TDC32VL - 32-channel 25ps TDC
MSC16V - 16-channel Multihit Scaler
ADC16V-DRS - 16-channel Digitizer
VMEDAQ Software also supports:
MTDC-64 - 64-channel PCIe Time Digitizer (TDC)