<html> <head> <title>Client SSL certificate required</title> </head> <body> <h1>Client SSL certificate required</h1> <p>The resource you have requested is protected by two-way SSL authentication when accessed from outside the enterprise network. <h3>Get certificate</h3> If you are eligible to have an access to the service requested, please do the following while connected to JINR network: <ol> <li>open your FreeIPA identity profile: <code><a href="https://lhep-ipa1.jinr.ru/">https://lhep-ipa1.jinr.ru/</a></code></li> <li>click <i>Actions</i>, <i>New Certificate</i> and follow the instructions to create CSR and sign it</li> <li>download your signed certificate and import it into browser</li> </ol> <p>Please contact NEOAFI network administrators for assistance. </body> </html>