SDB Device ID 0xcef86b29
Hardware: TLU40LVDS
00h - Identification cef86b29, 32 bits, RO static
02h - Control, R/W
- [0] - softreset
03h, Lock, R/W
- [0] - 1: lock, 0: continuous update
04h - Number of channels for one TOF module, RO static
05h - Number of trigger channels for one TOF module, RO static
06h - Number of TOF modules, RO static
07h - Clock frequency, kHz, RO static
1st module config:
10h - 1st TOF module trigger channels enable, 64 bits, R/W
14h - Shaper value for 1st TOF module signals, R/W
18h - 1st TOF module channels current input state, 64 bits, RO
2nd module config:
20h - 2nd TOF module trigger channels enable, 64 bits, R/W
24h - Shaper value for 2nd TOF module signals, R/W
28h - 2nd TOF module channels current input state, 64 bits, RO
100h~13Fh - 1st TOF module input counters, 32 bits per counter, RO
140h~17Fh - 2nd TOF module input counters, 32 bits per counter, RO