FIR Filter
SDB Device ID 0x4237dc05
Register Map
address space 0x00 - 0xFF
- 00h - Identification 4237dc05, 32 bits, RO, static
- 02h - Control, 16 bits, R/W
- [0] - softreset
- [14:1] - reserved
- [15] - enable FIR logic (if disable, then bypass)
- 03h - FIR coefficients reload control, 16 bits, R/W
- [0] - reload control
- [15:1] - reserved
- 04h - Roundoff mode, 16 bits, R/W
- [ 1:0] - number of bits to truncate
- [15:2] - reserved
- 05h~0Bh - reserved
- 0Ah - Coefficients reload TLAST missing counter, RO
- 0Bh - Coefficients reload TLAST unexpected counter, RO
- 0Ch~0Fh - FIR Filter Buildparams, 64 bits, RO, static
- [ 7:0] - number of FIR coefficients
- [15:8] - internal roundoff (FIR drop bits)
- [63:16] - reserved
- 10h~1Fh - reserved
- 20h~3Fh - List of FIR coefficients, R/W
- one register per coefficient
20h - 1st coefficient
21h - 2nd coefficient
- ...
3Fh - 32nd coefficient
- one register per coefficient