MSC16VE-E module registers

Hardware: MSC16VE

Registers are 16 bit width. 32-bit and 64-bit data is packed as following:

Reg #

64-bit word


bits 15:0


bits 31:16


bits 47:32


bits 63:48

Register I/O






White Rabbit Status Registers


MSC16VE Scaler Setup


DAC treshold


Histograms setup


Hit counters for spill

0x40-0x5F — CSR

M-Link CSR

Reg 0x40, CTRL, R/W

Reg 0x42, DEVICE_ID, RO

Reg 0x43, Live Magic, R/W

Reg 0x50, SERIAL_ID, 64-bit Board Serial Number (DS18B20), RO

Reg 0x54, TEMPERATURE, current temperature, RO

Reg 0x55, reserved, RO

Reg 0x56, FW_VER, 16-bit, firmware version number, RO

Reg 0x57, FW_REV, 16-bit, firmware revision number, RO

0x80-0xBF — MSC16VE Scaler Setup

Reg 0x81, write to ram/current ram address cnt, start-1/stop-0 , R/W (NOT USED)

Reg 0x82, Channel grouping, R/W

Reg 0x84, compstate , RO

Reg 0x85, spill state, RO

Reg 0x86-0x87, steptimer, 32-bits, R/W

Reg 0x92-0x93, spillplot step value (clk), 32-bits, R/W

Reg 0x94-0x95, spillplot current ram address, 32-bits, RO

Reg 0x96-0x97, spillplot offset (clk), 32-bits, R/W

Reg 0xA0-0xA3 msc start timestamp, RO

Spill registers

Reg 0x90-0x91, spill counter, RO

Reg 0xA4-0xA7, spill timestamp, RO

0x200 - 0x201 — DAC treshold

Reg 0x200, Threshold DAC , R/W

Reg 0x201, Threshold DAC , R/W

Histograms setup

Base address - 0x0300, address mask - 0x00FF.

Reg 0x300, Histogram step, channel #1, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x302, Histogram step, channel #2, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x304, Histogram step, channel #3, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x306, Histogram step, channel #4, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x308, Histogram step, channel #5, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x30A, Histogram step, channel #6, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x30C, Histogram step, channel #7, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x30E, Histogram step, channel #8, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x310, Histogram step, channel #9, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x312, Histogram step, channel #10, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x314, Histogram step, channel #11, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x316, Histogram step, channel #12, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x318, Histogram step, channel #13, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x31A, Histogram step, channel #14, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x31C, Histogram step, channel #15, 32-bit, R/w

Reg 0x31E, Histogram step, channel #16, 32-bit, R/w

Regs 0x320-0x3FF - reserved

Hits for Spill & Cycle Counters

Base address - 0x0A00, address mask - 0x003F.

Reg 0xA00, Hits for spill counter, channel #1, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA02, Hits for spill counter, channel #2, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA04, Hits for spill counter, channel #3, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA06, Hits for spill counter, channel #4, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA08, Hits for spill counter, channel #5, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA0A, Hits for spill counter, channel #6, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA0C, Hits for spill counter, channel #7, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA0E, Hits for spill counter, channel #8, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA10, Hits for spill counter, channel #9, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA12, Hits for spill counter, channel #10, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA14, Hits for spill counter, channel #11, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA16, Hits for spill counter, channel #12, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA18, Hits for spill counter, channel #13, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA1A, Hits for spill counter, channel #14, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA1C, Hits for spill counter, channel #15, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA1E, Hits for spill counter, channel #16, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA20, Hits for cycle counter, channel #1, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA22, Hits for cycle counter, channel #2, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA24, Hits for cycle counter, channel #3, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA26, Hits for cycle counter, channel #4, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA28, Hits for cycle counter, channel #5, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA2A, Hits for cycle counter, channel #6, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA2C, Hits for cycle counter, channel #7, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA2E, Hits for cycle counter, channel #8, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA30, Hits for cycle counter, channel #9, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA32, Hits for cycle counter, channel #10, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA34, Hits for cycle counter, channel #11, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA36, Hits for cycle counter, channel #12, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA38, Hits for cycle counter, channel #13, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA3A, Hits for cycle counter, channel #14, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA3C, Hits for cycle counter, channel #15, 32-bit, RO

Reg 0xA3E, Hits for cycle counter, channel #16, 32-bit, RO


word address



Plot RAM CH1


Plot RAM CH2


Plot RAM CH3




Plot RAM CH8


Plot RAM CH9




Plot RAM CH16


MSC16VE-Registers (last edited 2021-03-15 17:35:04 by islepnev)