
VME64x or VME64 Extensions is the further enhancement of the VME64 standard. VME64x is defined in ANSI/VITA 1.1-1997 standard.

The brief information on VMEbus may be found on official VME technology FAQ page.

VMEbus major enhancements specified in VME64 standard:

  1. 64 bit data and address capability
  2. Locks, Configuration ROM / Control & Status Registers (CR/CSR)

  3. rescinding DTACK*
  4. Auto system control detection, auto slot ID
  5. Optional shielded DIN connectors

VME64 Extensions:

  1. 160 pin P1/J1, P2/J2 connectors. "z" and "d" rows added
  2. Optional 2 mm hard metric 95 signal pin plus 19 or 38 ground pins P0/J0 connector for more user I/O
  3. +3.3V and auxiliary supply, more +5V power
  4. 35 more signal ground returns on P1/J1, P2/J2
  5. 46 more user defined I/O pins on P2/J2.
  6. 14 bused spare pins and 2 unbused spare pins on P1/J1 reserved for future
  7. Test and maintenance bus pins
  8. Slot geographical addressing
  9. Mechanical support for EMC and ESD control
  10. Solder side covers with ESD protection
  11. An injection/extraction handle with a locking feature
  12. User installed board to slot keying
  13. Alignment pin for keying, alignment, and ESD/EMC protection
  14. Front Panel Safety Ground
  15. Reserved area on the front panel for ID and/or bar code labels
  16. Rear I/O transition boards
  17. Added CR/CSR definition
  18. Live insertion specifications
  19. 2eVME: two-edge protocol

VME64x (last edited 2008-12-21 19:58:33 by slepnev)