= TADC ADC Core Registers = '''Base address - 0x0300, address mask - 0x00FF.''' Reg 0x0000 - Latency, R/W Reg 0x0001 - Match window, R/W Reg 0x0002 - reserved (for prewindow) Reg 0x0003 - ADC Window (samples to readout), R/W Reg 0x0004 - ADC channel memory depth, in kilosamples, RO Reg 0x0005 - ADC mode, R/W . [1:0] - '0' reserved, '1' normal, '2' baseline, '3' reserved . [15:2] - reserved Reg 0x0006 - Input Gain Control, R/W . [0] - channels 1-2 gain: 0 - x1 gain, 1 - x4 gain . [1] - channels 3-4 gain: 0 - x1 gain, 1 - x4 gain . [2] - channels 5-6 gain: 0 - x1 gain, 1 - x4 gain . [3] - channels 7-8 gain: 0 - x1 gain, 1 - x4 gain . [4] - channels 9-10 gain: 0 - x1 gain, 1 - x4 gain . [5] - channels 11-12 gain: 0 - x1 gain, 1 - x4 gain . [6] - channels 13-14 gain: 0 - x1 gain, 1 - x4 gain . [7] - channels 15-16 gain: 0 - x1 gain, 1 - x4 gain . [15:8] - reserved Reg 0x0007 - reserved Reg 0x0008~0x000B - Channels enable (64-bits), R/W Reg 0x0010 - ADC Build Param 1, RO . [7:0] - reserved . [15:8] - ADC Bits Reg 0x0011 - ADC Build Param 2, RO . [7:0] - ADC chips number . [15:8] - ADC chip channel number Reg 0x0012 - ADC Build Param 3, RO . [7:0] - ADC channel ring buffer size (log2 value), in samples, defines max ADC latency . [15:8] - ADC channel event data buffer size (log2 value), in samples, defines max ADC match window (half of this value) Reg 0x0013 - ADC Build Param 4, RO . reserved Reg 0x0020 - ADC Pattern Test Control, R/W . [0] - test enable (resets previous results, when started new test) . [1] - pause test . [15:2] - reserved Reg 0x0021 - ADC Test Pattern, msb alligned, R/W Reg 0x0024~0x0027 - number of checked ADC words, 64-bits, RO Reg 0x0028~0x002F - Mask of failed channels, 128-bits, RO . ''Bit number == channel number, set if ADC word not equal to test pattern'' Reg 0x0040~0x0043 - ADC hfifo overflow (64-bits), bit# = ch#, RO Reg 0x0048~0x004B - ADC mfifo overflow (64-bits), bit# = ch#, RO Reg 0x0050~0x0053 - ADC efifo overflow (64-bits), bit# = ch#, RO Reg 0x0080~0x00FF - ADC Channel Data, one register per channel, data is msb alligned, RO ---- [[CategoryMlinkRegisters|MLinkRegisters]]