## page was renamed from HRB-128
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'''~+HRB128E+~''' is a custom board for hodoscope readout system.
== Features ==
* 128 input channels, differential 100Ω input (LVDS, ECL, PECL)
* Rich clock and trigger resources
* Used with [[TTB6|TTB6]] in multiboard system
== Interface ==
* Two duplex 0.5 - 3.2 Gbps serial links, including 1000BASE-X
* 4 TTL inputs for trigger and control (50Ω)
* 4-pair universal LVDS link (RJ45)
* VITA-57 400-pin FMC connector for extension
== Specifications ==
* Input differential range: ± 3V, hysteresis 100 mV
* Input common mode range: ±4 V rel. to ground
* Power consumption: +12V 1.0A
== Lemo inputs ==
* P12(BOT) - LVCOMS18 trigger or blocked trigger input(strobe from TTB6 board) in TTC mode(RJ45 used)
* P13(BOT) - NIM trigger
* P9 - unused
* P10 - unused
== SFP Connectors ==
* X2e1(SFP0) upstream link
* X2e2(SFP1) downstream link
== HRB Leds ==
* Detailed description of [[HrbLeds|HRB128E Leds]]
== HRB Registers ==
* Detailed description of [[HrbRegisters|HRB128E Registers]]
== Stream Data Format ==
* [[MStreamHRB_1_0|HRB128E Raw Data Format]]
== Block Diagram ==
== Revision History ==
* 1.0 - base revision
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[[CategoryHrb|HRB]] [[CategoryMlink|MLink]]