## page was renamed from AdcmRawdataFormat = ADCM Data Format = <> == Stream Structure == The file contains packets of data with header and payload. Header specifies the type of data block and packet size. == Packet Header == ||offset||size, bytes||type||name||description|| ||0||2||int||ID||block type|| ||2||2||int||size||packet size, bytes, including header|| ||4||''size-4''||struct||data||data block, contents defined by type|| == Data Blocks == === ID 0x504D, CMAP === ||offset||size, bytes||type||name||description|| ||0||4||int||N||number of map entries|| ||4||1||int||map1||map for channel 1|| ||5||1||int||map2||map for channel 2|| ||<:-5>...|| ||*||1||int||mapN||map for channel N|| map bits: ||bit||description|| ||0||reserved|| ||1||channel type is Master, γ|| ||2||channel type is Slave, α|| ||3||baseline calibration enabled|| ||7:4||reserved|| === ID 0x5645, EVNT === ||offset||size, bytes||type||name||description|| ||0||1||int||N||number of entries|| ||1||1||int||-||reserved|| ||2||2||int||-||reserved|| ||4||4||int||ts||event time-stamp|| ||8||14||struct||pulse1||pulse data block 1|| ||<:-5>...|| ||*||14||struct||pulseN||pulse data block N|| pulse data block structure: ||offset||size, bytes||type||name||description|| ||0||1||int||ch||channel number|| ||1||1||int||flags||flags|| ||2||4||float||a||pulse amplitude (integral), baseline subtracted|| ||6||4||float||t||pulse time|| ||10||4||float||w||pulse width|| flags: ||bit||description|| ||0||reserved|| ||1||channel type is Master, γ|| ||2||channel type is Slave, α|| ||3||baseline calibration enabled|| ||7:4||reserved|| === ID 0x5443, CNTR === ||offset||size, bytes||type||name||description|| ||0||4||int||N||number of entries|| ||4||8||double||time||measurement period|| ||12||4||int||cnt1||input pulse count for channel 1|| ||<:-5>...|| ||*||4||int||cntN||input pulse count for channel N|| == Decoder Example == === adcm_16.h === {{attachment:adcm_16.h}} === adcm_df.h === {{attachment:adcm_df.h}} === df_decode.c === {{attachment:df_decode.c}} ---- [[CategoryAdcm|ADCM]] [[CategoryRawData|RawData]]