= ADC64s2 = [[attachment:adc64s2.png|{{attachment:adc64s2-thm.png}}]] '''~+ADC64s2+~''' is a 64-channel 12-bit 62.5 MS/s ADC device with signal processing core and Ethernet interface. It is capable of time synchronization by [[WhiteRabbit|White Rabbit]] network. Data readout, trigger and timing function is performed by single fiber-optical link. Optional QSFP connector may be used to provide external clock for very high precision measurements as well as trigger and readout links. ADC64s2 is designed specifically for [[http://mpd.jinr.ru/|MPD]] ECAL readout. == Features == * Power: 13 W, proper cooling required * Size: 130 x 128 x 40 mm == Specifications == === LEMO TTL I/O === ||Input Low voltage min||-0.3 V|| ||Input Low voltage max||0.6 V|| ||Input High voltage min||1.2 V|| ||Input High voltage max||3.4 V|| Trigger input - bottom XOff - top == Software == * [[Downloads/ADC64|Download ADC64]] == Raw Data Format == * [[MStreamWaveformDigitizer]] == Registers == * [[ADC64WR_Registers]] * [[ADC64WR_MPD_Trig_Registers]] ---- [[CategoryAdc64|ADC64]] [[CategoryEthernet|Ethernet]] [[CategoryAdc|ADC]] [[CategoryWhiteRabbit|WhiteRabbit]]